(This data is as produced from the HER database)

Location or remains of anti-aircraft gun positions

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Isle of Wight History Centre

Isle of Wight Historic Environment Record

Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


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Record Index

Click on the ID to view full details for each record

ID Name
3103 Culver.
3104 Egypt Point.
3105 Nodes Point.
3106 Ryde.
3107 Cliff End
3108 Rew Street, Gurnard
3109 Culver Down
3110 Nodes.
3111 Needles
3112 Cliff End
3113 No Man's Land Fort
3231 Lynn Common
3247 Ludham Cottage (ref 1917)
3248 Hamstead
3249 Nettlestone
3250 Porchfield
3251 Thorley Street
3252 Whippingham.
3254 Cowes.
3255 Shanklin
3256 Yarmouth.
3468 Yaverland.
3505 West of Brighstone Holiday Camp
3506 Foreland, Bembridge
3507 St Catherine's Point
3508 Dame Anthony's Common
3512 Bembridge Forelands.
3772 Blackgang Chine.
6224 Brighstone, Grange Farm


Full Record Information

Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3103
Name: Culver.
Map Sheet: SZ68NW
Grid Reference: SZ 636 855 (point) Google map
Summary: WWI anti aircraft gun (reference 1916)
Description: 1 x 6 pdr Hotchkiss - earliest reference 1 Feb 1916
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery. Site gazetteer, WW1. Volume 1.2, p.287, CBA]
WO 33/746, p.36. Approved armaments and AA guns
Not seen.
[Field visit F. Basford, R. Loader, 28.1.1999 (coastal audit)]
NTSMR 125454
Site has undergone considerable demolition and infill.
[Bannister, N.R. 2003. 'Bembridge and Culver Down, Isle of Wight: Archaeology and Historic Environment Survey, volume 1; report and inventory', p.98]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Bembridge, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3103
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW156 Bembridge and Culver Down Estate, National Trust (Ref: IWSMR 5595) National Trust
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3104
Name: Egypt Point.
Map Sheet: SZ49NE
Grid Reference: SZ 485 966 (point) Google map
Summary: Anti aircraft gun (reference 1917)
Description: 1 x 12 pdr 12 cwt - earliest reference 1 Jun 1917
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery. Site gazetteer, WW1. Volume 1.2, p.288, CBA]
WO 33/828, p36. Approved armaments and AA guns
Nothing noted during general survey. Probably in the area of Battery Road (SZ 483 962).
[Field visit F. Basford, R. Loader, 4.6.1999 (coastal audit)]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Cowes, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3104

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3105
Name: Nodes Point.
Map Sheet: SZ68NW
Grid Reference: SZ 635 898 (point) Google map
Summary: Anti aircraft gun (reference 1916)
Description: 1 x 6 pdr Hotchkiss - earliest reference 1 Feb 1916
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery. Site gazetteer, WW1. Volume 1.2, p.287, CBA]
WO 33/746, p.36. Approved armaments and AA guns
Nothing observed during site visit.
[Field visit F. Basford, R. Loader 12.3.1999 (coastal audit)]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish St. Helens, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3105

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3106
Name: Ryde.
Map Sheet: SZ59SE
Grid Reference: SZ 55 90 (point) Google map
Summary: WWI anti aircraft gun (reference 1917)
Description: 1 x 18 pdr - earliest reference 1 June 1917
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery. Site gazetteer, WW1. Volume 1.2, p.288, CBA]
W.O. 33/828, p.36. Approved armaments and AA guns


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3106

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3107
Name: Cliff End
Map Sheet: SZ38NW
Grid Reference: SZ 332 886 (point) Google map
Summary: By 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational, including Cliff End Battery
Description: 4 x 3.7 in (S) GL Mk II - earliest reference 22 Jun 1942
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery. Site gazetteer, WWII. HAA & ZAA, Volume 1.3, p.461, CBA]
Air 2/4768. AA Cmd Letter AAC/40265/G/Ops
Four circular structures resembling gun emplacements, and a rectangular building visible on aerial photograph to the south of Cliff End Battery at SZ 332 886.
[RAF AP. Flight 4. 106G/UK 1665 12 July 46 F/20"//541 SQDN 3215]
By June 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational. Apart from Nettlestone and Whippingham, they were at Rew Street (Gurnard), Dame Anthony's Common (Binstead), Lynn Farm (south-west of Havenstreet), Porchfield, Hamstead, Thorley Street, Cliff End Battery and Brighstone. All at that stage were equipped with 3.7 inch guns - four in most cases...- and a Bofors gun.
[Searle, A. 1989. 'Isle of Wight at War 1939-1945', The Dovecote Press, p.104.]
Circular features still visible on aerial photographs.
[Aerial photographs on loan from the Environment Agency. Aerofilms/97c/787. Environment Agency Beach Monitoring 23.7.97. Run 94. 3278]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Totland, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3107

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3108
Name: Rew Street, Gurnard
Map Sheet: SZ49SE
Grid Reference: SZ 465 942 (point) Google map
Summary: By 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational, including Rew Street
Description: 3 x 3.7 in (S) GL Mk II - earliest reference 22 Jun 1942, latest reference 16 Jan 1946
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery. Site gazetteer, WWII. HAA & ZAA, Volume 1.3, p.461, CBA]
Air 2/4768 AA Cmd Letter AAC/40265/G/Ops
AA Cmd Letter AAC/40575/g/Ops
Anti aircraft battery observed on AP. Gun emplacements at SZ 464 943. Other, possibly military structures at SZ 465 941.
[RAF AP. Flight 2. 106G/UK 1665 12 July 46 F/20"//541 SQDN 3255]
By 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational. Apart from Nettlestone and Whippingham, they were at Rew Street (Gurnard), Dame Anthony's Common (Binstead), Lynn Farm (south-west of Havenstreet), Porchfield, Hamstead, Thorley STrett, Cliff End Battery and Brighstone. All at that stage were equipped with 3.7 inch guns - four in most cases although Rew Street had six - and a Bofors gun.
[Searle, A. 1989. 'Isle of Wight at War 1939-1945', The Dovecote Press, p.104]
The remains of two gun emplacements were visible, one virtually inaccessible in scrubby woodland at the top of the coastal slope, the other in grassland. A concrete magazine is present at SZ 4658 9412 and a brick building at SZ 4654 9414.
[Field visit F. Basford, R. Loader, 11.6.1999 (coastal audit)]
[Defence of Britain database. Non anti-invasion records 44, 2959, 2962, 2963 and 2971 all appear to relate to this site.]


Number Reference
Aerial Photograph: Motkin, D.. 15.6.1999. 99A1-08.
Aerial Photograph: Motkin, D.. 15.6.1999. 99A1-09.
Aerial Photograph: Motkin, D.. 15.6.1999. 99A2-26.
Aerial Photograph: Motkin, D.. 15.6.1999. 99A2-27.
Aerial Photograph: Motkin, D.. 15.6.1999. 99A2-28.

Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Gurnard, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3108
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3109
Name: Culver Down
Map Sheet: SZ68NW
Grid Reference: SZ 638 855 (point) Google map
Summary: WWII anti aircraft guns
Description: 2 x 40mm - earliest reference 28 May 1943
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery. Site gazetteer, WWII. LAA (CA Batteries with LAA defences), Volume 1.4, p.800, CBA]
W.O 166/11144 AA Cmd Op instruction 10
Possible remains of mountings for 40mm AA guns at SZ 63596.02 85552.24 and SZ 63657.25 85589.88 (Position established using GPS.
FB1: crescentic earthwork incorporating concrete, some faces displaying curvature. Also large fragments of scattered concrete. 2 large iron nuts secured in concrete at east end of feature just inside earthwork.
FB7: Remains of similar concrete structure.
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, 3.2.1999 (coastal audit)]
NTSMR 125420
Overgrown with scrub in 2003
[Bannister, N.R. 2003. 'Bembridge and Culver Down, Isle of Wight: Archaeology and Historic Environment Survey, volume 1; report and inventory', p.69]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Bembridge, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3109
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW156 Bembridge and Culver Down Estate, National Trust (Ref: IWSMR 5595) National Trust
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3110
Name: Nodes.
Map Sheet: SZ68NW
Grid Reference: SZ 635 899 (point) Google map
Summary: WWII anti aircraft guns
Description: 2 x 40mm - earliest reference 28 May 1943
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery. Site gazetteer, WWII. LAA (CA Batteries with LAA defences), Volume 1.4, p.800, CBA]
W.O. 166/11144 AA Cmd Op instruction 10
Apart from surviving and reused wartime huts there is the circular base for a 40mm AA gun on the north side of the site.
[Saunders, A. 1998. 'Fortifications of Portsmouth and the Solent: a review of pre-20th century coastal defence sites and associated remains', p.138, photo 2/50 F, English Heritage]
AA gun base noted in the northern corner of the holiday camp near the cliff edge.
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, 12.3.1999 (coastal audit)]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish St. Helens, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3110

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3111
Name: Needles
Map Sheet: SZ38SW
Grid Reference: SZ 3000 8490 (point) Google map
Summary: WWII anti aircraft guns
Description: 2 x 40mm - earliest reference 28 May 1943
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery. Site gazetteer, WWII. LAA (CA Batteries with LAA defences), Volume 1.4, p.800, CBA]
W.O. 166/11144 AA Cmd Op instruction 10
Anti-aircraft gun emplacement noted at SZ 3012 8475.
[Field visit F. Basford, R. Loader, 17.6.1999 (coastal audit)]
NTSMR 125659
[Rushton, N. 2005.The National Trust West Wight Estate: The Needles, West High Down, Tennyson Down and Headon Warren in Freshwater, Isle of Wight. An Archaeological and Historical Survey. Vol. 2. Archaeological Inventory.Wessex Archaeology. p.96]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Totland, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3111
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Heritage Coast
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service
EIW92 National Trust West Wight Estate (The Needles, West High Down, Tennyson Down and Headon Warren) (Ref: IWSMR 5970) CKC Archaeology


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3112
Name: Cliff End
Map Sheet: SZ38NW
Grid Reference: SZ 331 890 (point) Google map
Summary: WWII anti aircraft guns
Description: 2 x 40mm - earliest reference 28 May 1943
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery. Site gazetteer, WWII. LAA (CA Batteries with LAA defences), Volume 1.4, p.800, CBA]
W.O. 166/11144 AA Cmd Op instruction 10
An old 3-inch AA gun, installed in 1939, was replaced by the inevitable 40mm Bofors in January 1944 (p.24)
Later in 1942, a Bofors 40mm AA gun was located on the hillside outside the fort [Fort Albert] (p.26)
[Cantwell, A. and Sprack, P. 1986 'Solent Papers No.2: The Needles Defences 1526-1956', The Palmerston Forts Society]
The gun emplacement between Fort Albert and Cliff End Battery is visible on aerial photographs at SZ 3304 8900.
[106G/UK 1665 12 July 46 F/20"//541 SQDN. 3215]
The slope between Cliff End Battery and Fort Albert has suffered considerable slumping. No evidence for AA gun emplacement
[Field visit R. Loader, 30.6.1999 (coastal audit)]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Totland, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3112

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3113
Name: No Man's Land Fort
Map Sheet: SZ69SW
Grid Reference: SZ 639 937 (point) Google map
Summary: WWII anti aircraft guns
Description: 2 x 40mm - earliest refence 28 May 1943
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery. Site gazetteer, WWII. LAA (CA Batteries with LAA defences), Volume 1.4, p.800, CBA]
W.O 166/11144 AA Cmd Op instruction 10


Location - Administrative Areas

County Hampshire

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3113

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3231
Name: Lynn Common
Map Sheet: SZ58NW
Grid Reference: SZ 539 894 (point) Google map
Description: AA gun site 4 x 3.7
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994]
4 x 3.7 in (S) GL Mk II radar
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth Century Fortifications in England. Anti-Aircraft Artillery site gazetteer. WWII, HAA & ZAA, vol 1.3', p.461, CBA]
Earliest reference 22 June 1942
[Air 2/4768. AA Cmd letter AAC/40265/G/ Ops]
Anti aircraft battery noted on aerial photograph at SZ 539 894.
[RAF AP Flight 5. 106G/UK 1665 12 July 46 F/20"//541 SQDN 4125]
By June 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational. Apart from Nettlestone and Whippingham, they were at Rew Street (Gurnard), Dame Anthony's Common (Binstead), Lynn Farm (south-west of Havenstreet), Porchfield, Hamstead, Thorley Street, Cliff End Battery and Brighstone. All at that stage were equipped with 3.7 inch guns - four in most cases...- and a Bofors gun.
[Searle, A. 1989.'Isle of Wight at War 1939-1945', The Dovecote Press, p.104]
Anti-aircraft battery. HAA, Lynn Farm. Recorder - D. Goodwin. Location - Staplers, Isle of Wight. Condition - very bad. Grid reference SZ 539 894
[Defence of Britain database. Non anti-invasion record 2970]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Havenstreet and Ashey

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3231
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3247
Name: Ludham Cottage (ref 1917)
Map Sheet: SZ59SW
Grid Reference: SZ 530 940 (point) Google map
Description: 1 x 12 PDR 12 CWT - earliest reference 1 Jun 1917
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery site gazetteer, WWI, vol.1.2, p.288, CBA]
WO 33/828, p.36. Approved armaments and AA guns


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Whippingham, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3247
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3248
Name: Hamstead
Map Sheet: SZ49SW
Grid Reference: SZ 404 906 (point) Google map
Summary: By June 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational, Hamstead amongst them
Description: 4 x 3.7 in (S) GL Mk II radar - earliest reference 22 Jun 1942
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery site gazetteer, WWII, HAA & ZAA, vol.1.3, p.461, CBA]
AIR 2/4768. AA Cmd Letter AAC/40265/G/Ops
Anti aircraft battery observed on AP at SZ 404 906.
[RAF AP Flight 4. 106G/UK 1665 12 July 46 F/20"//541 SQDN 3205]
By June 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational. Apart from Nettlestone and Whippingham, they were at Rew Street (Gurnard), Dame Anthony's Common (Binstead), Lynn Farm (south west of Havenstreet), Porchfield, Hamstead, Thorley Street, Cliff End Battery and Brighstone. All at that stage were equipped with 3.7 inch guns - four in most cases...- and a Bofors gun.
[Searle, A. 1989. 'Isle of Wight at War 1939-1945', The Dovecote Press, p.104]
Site now planted with conifers. Remains of earthen banks - gun emplacements - visible. Two emplacements also have the remains of damaged concrete structures, probably ammunition lockers.
[Field visit F. Basford, R. Loader, 5.8.1999 (coastal audit)]
Anti-aircraft battery. HAA. Hamstead, Isle of Wight. Grid reference SZ 408 907. Recorder C. Moore. Recorder's reference IOW GS 5
[Defence of Britain database. Non anti-invasion record 2988]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Shalfleet, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3248
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Heritage Coast

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3249
Name: Nettlestone
Map Sheet: SZ69SW
Grid Reference: SZ 626 907 (point) Google map
Summary: By June 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational, Nettlestone amongst them
Description: Guns and radar listed - earliest reference 24 Jul 1941. Latest ref 16 Jan 1946
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery site gazetteer, WWII, HAA & ZAA, vol.1.3, p.461, CBA]
WO 199/1783 5AA Division Letter SG41
WO 166/17848. AA Cmd Letter AAC/40575/G/ Ops
Anti aircraft battery observed on AP at SZ 626 907.
[RAF AP. Flight 4 106G/UK 1665 12 July 46 F/20"//541 SQDN 3173]
Purpose-built to meet the challenge of the Luftwaffe, most of the Royal Artillery's anti-aircraft gun sites on the Isle of Wight were constructed by the spring of 1940, although later additions were made. In August 1941, when a list of all defence forces on the Island was drawn up, the principal AA batteries at Nettlestone and Whippingham were shown in the care of the 57th Heavy AA Regiment's 213th Battery, the former manned by 185 men and the latter by 120. Both sites were equipped with four 3.7 inch guns.
By Jube 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational...All at that stage were equipped with 3.7 inch guns - four in most cases...- and a Bofors gun.
...Later in 1943, Nettlestone's firepower was increased with the installation of four 5.25 inch guns, linked to Radar control.
[Searle, A. 1989. 'Isle of Wight at War 1939-1945', The Dovecote Press, p.103-4.]
Anti-aircraft battery. Nettlestone Green. Recorder - C. Moore. Condition: destroyed. Recorder's reference IOW G/S 6
[Defence of Britain database. Non anti-invasion record 2989]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Nettlestone and Seaview, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3249

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3250
Name: Porchfield
Map Sheet: SZ49SW
Grid Reference: SZ 445 915 (point) Google map
Summary: By June 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational, Porchfield amongst them
Description: 4. 3.7 in (S) GL Mk II radar - earliest reference - 22 Jun 1942
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery site gazetteer, WWII, HAA & ZAA, vol.1.3, p.461, CBA]
AIR 2/4768. AA Cmd Letter AAC/40265/G/Ops
Not readily apparent on APs, although there are structures resembling AA gun emplacements at Newtown rifle ranges SZ 440 910.
[RAF AP. Flight 4. 106G/UK 1665 12 July 46, F/20"//541 SQDN 3199]
By June 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational. Apart from Nettlestone and Whippingham, they were at Rew Street (Gurnard), Dame Anthony's Common (Binstead), Lynn Farm (south-west of Havenstreet), Porchfield, Hamstead, Thorley Street, Cliff End Battery and Brighstone. All at that stage were equipped with 3.7 inch guns - four in most cases...- and a Bofors gun.
[Searle, A. 1989. 'Isle of Wight at War 1939-1945', The Dovecote Press, p.104]
Anti-aircraft battery. HAA. Recorder C. Moore. Porchfield, Isle of Wight. Grid reference SZ 445 915. Condition: destroyed. Recorder's reference IOW G/S 14.
[Defence of Britain database. Non anti-invasion record 2987]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Calbourne, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3250
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Heritage Coast

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW278 Newtown Rifle Ranges (Ref: IWSMR 6118) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3251
Name: Thorley Street
Map Sheet: SZ38NE
Grid Reference: SZ 374 881 (point) Google map
Summary: By June 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational. Thorley Street was one of the 10
Description: 4 x 3.7 in (S) GL Mk II radar - earliest reference 22 Jun 1942
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery site gazetteer, WWII, HAA & ZAA, vol.1.3, p.461, CBA]
AIR 2/4768. AA Cmd Letter AAC/40265/G/Ops
Four circular features, possibly the bases for the four gun battery are visible on RAF APs at SZ 37336 88026, SZ 37327 87961, SZ 37320 87988 and SZ 37315 88019. A rectangular shape amongst disturbed ground is situated at SZ 37339 88011. An area of disturbance occurs on the south side of a field boundary at SZ 37243 88048 which may have been the site of the magazine.
A complex of buildings associated with the battery can be seen on the west side of Broad Lane between SZ 37347 88211 and SZ 37353 88295.
[RAF aerial photograph 106G/UK 1165 12 July 45 F/20 // 541 SQDN frame 4149]
By June 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational. Apart from Nettlestone and Whippingham, they were at Rew Street (Gurnard), Dame Anthony's Common (Binstead), Lynn Farm (south-west of Havenstreet), Porchfield, Hamstead, Thorley Street, Cliff End Battery and Brighstone. All at that stage were equipped with 3.7 inch guns - four in most cases...- and a Bofors gun..
[Searle, A. 1989. 'Isle of Wight at War 1939-1945', The Dovecote Press, p.104]
Anti aircraft battery. HAA. Recorder C. Moore. Grid reference SZ 374 881. Condition destroyed. Recorder's reference IOW G/S 4
[Defence of Britain database. Non anti-invasion record 2984]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Yarmouth, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3251

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3252
Name: Whippingham.
Map Sheet: SZ59SW
Grid Reference: SZ 517 937 (point) Google map
Summary: Guns and radar listed - earliest reference 20 May 1941 - latest reference 16 Jan 1946
Description: Guns and radar listed - earliest reference 20 May 1941 - latest reference 16 Jan 1946
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery site gazetteer, WWII, HAA & ZAA, vol.1.3, p.461, CBA]
WO 166/2091 IAA Corps Letter S/IAA/182/2/G (SD)
WO 166/17848 AA Cmd Letter AAC/40575/G/Ops
Anti-aircraft battery noted on AP at SZ 517 937.
[RAF AP Flight 2. 106G//UK 1665 12 July 46 F/20"//541 SQDN 3247]
Purpose-built to meet the challenge of the Luftwaffe, most of the Royal Artillery's anti-aircraft gun sites on the Isle of Wight were constructed by the spring of 1940, although later additions were made. In August 1941, when a list of all defence forces on the Island was drawn up, the principal AA batteries at Nettlestone and Whippingham were in the care of the 57th Heavy AA Regiment's 213th Battery, the former manned by 185 men and the latter, by 120. Both sites were equipped with four 3.7 inch guns...
By June 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational...All at that stage were equipped with 3.7 inch guns - four in most cases...- and a Bofors gun.
[Searle, A. 1989. 'Isle of Wight at War 1939-1945', The Dovecote Press, p.103-4]
Anti-aircraft gun emplacement. AA D/P Turret guns. Recorder C. Moore. Grid ref. SZ 519 937. Condition destroyed. Recorder's reference IOW G/S 7
[Defence of Britain database. Non anti-invasion record 2967]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Whippingham, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3252

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3254
Name: Cowes.
Map Sheet: SZ49NE
Grid Reference: SZ 496 950 (point) Google map
Summary: Reference to light anti aircraft battery
Description: 8 x 40mm - earliest reference 30 Jul 1944
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery. Site gazetteer WWII, LAA, VP 594,' Vol 1.4, p.711, CBA]
WO 199/2584, 70a
6AA Gp Letter 6AAG/2007/7/G (Ops)
Site not traced.
[F. Basford, R. Loader, (coastal audit)]
Anti-aircraft gun emplacement. Recorder C. Moore. SZ 496 950. Condition - destroyed. Recorder's reference IOW G/S 8
[Defence of Britain database. Non anti-invasion record 2966]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Cowes, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3254

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3255
Name: Shanklin
Map Sheet: SZ58SE
Grid Reference: SZ 58 81 (point) Google map
Description: No information in site list
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery. Site gazetteer WWII, LAA, VP 1203,' Vol 1.4, p.509, CBA]
Site not traced.
[F. Basford, R. Loader, (coastal audit)]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Shanklin, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3255

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3256
Name: Yarmouth.
Map Sheet: SZ38NE
Grid Reference: SZ 356 899 (point) Google map
Summary: Reference to light anti aircraft battery (1944)
Description: 4 x 40mm - earliest reference 30 Jul 1944
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England: anti-aircraft artillery. Site gazetteer WWII,LAA, VP 1202,' Vol 1.4, p.795, CBA]
WO 199/2584, 70a
6AA Gp Letter 6AAG/2007/7/G (Ops)
Site not traced.
[F. Basford, R. Loader (coastal audit)]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Yarmouth, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3256
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3468
Name: Yaverland.
Map Sheet: SZ68NW
Grid Reference: SZ 6186 8531 (point) Google map
Summary: Three concrete structures observed, possibly mountings for AA guns. Concrete pillbox or seartchlight on very edge of cliff
Description: Three concrete structures observed, possibly mountings for AA guns. The two southerly structures comprise circular concrete pads, flush with the ground, of diameter c. 4m. Mounted on each is a circular iron plate, dia. c. 1metre, secured by six large nuts and bolts. The northernmost structure comprises a concrete circular base with a large flat iron ring, dia, c. 1.5m secured by 10 large bolts with no nuts.
Plotted using GPS: SZ 61848.49 85309.26, SZ 61864.97 85315.05, and SZ 61880.75 85320.18
Also roofless remains of structure to south.
Concrete structure, rectangular with curved corners and five sided forward extension. Large concrete block to north. Curving ditch visible on three sides, 5-6m wide, 1.5m deep. Its seaward extent is not traceable. The pillbox is on the very edge of the cliff and will soon be lost to coastal erosion. Possibly a searchlight.
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, 26.1.1999 (coastal audit)]
NTSMR 125436
Feature has now gone in 2003
[Bannister, N.R. 2003. 'Bembridge and Culver Down, Isle of Wight: Archaeology and Historic Environment Survey, volume 1; report and inventory', p.78]
Site visited with Trevor Price (Dinosaur Isle). Concrete structure still present at edge of cliff.
[Field visit F. Basford, R. Loader, R. Salter, with Trevor Price, 11/5/2004]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Sandown, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3468
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW156 Bembridge and Culver Down Estate, National Trust (Ref: IWSMR 5595) National Trust
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3505
Name: West of Brighstone Holiday Camp
Map Sheet: SZ48SW
Grid Reference: SZ 414 820 (point) Google map
Summary: June 1943 when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational. Brighstone named
Description: By June 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational. Apart from Nettlestone and Whippingham, they were at Rew Street (Gurnard), Dame Anthony's Common (Binstead), Lynn Farm (south-west of Havenstreet), Porchfield, Hamstead, Thorley Street, Cliff End Battery and Brighstone. All at that stage were equipped with 3.7 inch guns - four in most cases...- and a Bofors gun.
[Searle, A. 1989 .'Isle of Wight at War 1939-1945', The Dovecote Press, p.104.]
Large concrete block observed on the beach at SZ 41416 81961. Dimensions 3.15m x 3.10m and at least 1.10m thick, the lower portion is buried in the sand. top has square iron plate of 1.14m x 1.14m, held in place by 16 nuts and bolts. Circular central hole of 50cm diameter around which 20 holes are located in a circle of diameter 86cm.
On the top of the cliff a partially buried concrete building was observed at SZ 4144 8203. Possibly a command post?
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, 15.2.1999 (coastal audit)]
2 x 3.7 in (static), 2 x 3.7 in (moblie), GL Mk II radar. Earliest reference 22 Jun 1942. Latest reference 28 Mar 1944.
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England. Anti-aircraft artillery site gazetteer, WWII HAA & ZAA', vol 1.3, p.461, CBA]
A second large concrete block now present on the beach to the south east of that recorded in 1999. No fixing plate is visible on this second block, which appears to have fallen face down from the cliff top, although decayed wooden uprights were noted protruding from the concrete.
[Field visit R. Loader, P. Simpson, 6 September 2005]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Brighstone, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3505
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Heritage Coast
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3506
Name: Foreland, Bembridge
Map Sheet: SZ68NE
Grid Reference: SZ 657 874 (point) Google map
Description: Four AA gun emplacements noted on AP at SZ 657 874.
[RAF AP, flight 7. 106G/UK 1665 12 July 46 F/20"//541 SQDN frame 3112.]
One gun emplacement possibly survives in a private garden.
[Aerial photographs on loan from the Environment Agency. Aerofilms/97c/788 Environment Agency Beach Monitoring 23.7.97 Run 81 frame 3523]
Possible gun emplacement incorporated into garden feature.
This anti-aircraft battery possibly post dates PRN 3512.
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, 26.2.1999 (coastal audit)]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Bembridge, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3506
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3507
Name: St Catherine's Point
Map Sheet: SZ47NE
Grid Reference: SZ 49 75 (point) Google map
Description: By June 1943 when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational. Apart from Nettlestone and Whippingham, they were at Rew Street (Gurnard), Dame Anthony's Common (Binstead), Lynn Farm (South-west of Havenstreet), Porchfield, Hamstead, Thorley Street, Cliff End Battery and Brighstone. All at that stage were equipped with 3.7 inch guns - four in most cases...-and a Bofors gun.
Other 3.7 inch sites are known to have existed at Forelands (Bembridge) and at St Catherine's Point.
[Searle, A. 1989. 'Isle of Wight at War 1939-1945', The Dovecote Press, p.104]
No signs of anti-aircraft battery noted during general survey, nor during examination of 1946 APs.
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, 12.1998 (coastal audit)]
NTSMR 122884
Description from IWSMR.
Management recommendations: Site not located. May be outside NT property in lighthouse compound.
[Currie. C.K. 2001. 'An archaeological and historical survey of the Knowles Farm and St Catherine's Hill and Down Estates: vol. 2: the archaeological inventory', Report to the National Trust (Southern Region), p.41]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Niton and Whitwell, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3507
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW87 Knowles Farm/St Catherine's Hill National Trust Estate (Ref: 5593) CKC Archaeology


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3508
Name: Dame Anthony's Common
Map Sheet: SZ59SE
Grid Reference: SZ 575 912 (point) Google map
Summary: In June 1943 when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational, including one at Dame Antony's Common.
Description: By June 1943 when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational. Apart from Nettlestone and Whippingham, they were at Rew Streeet (Gurnard), Dame Anthony's Common (Binstead), Lynn Farm (south-west of Havenstreet), Porchfield, Hamstead, Thorley Street, Cliff End Battery and Brighstone. All at that stage were equipped with 3.7 inch guns - four in most cases...-and a Bofors gun.
[Searle, A. 1989. 'Isle of Wight at War 1939-1945', The Dovecote Press, p.104]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Havenstreet and Ashey

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3508

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3512
Name: Bembridge Forelands.
Map Sheet: SZ68NE
Grid Reference: SZ 658 876 (point) Google map
Description: Three large concrete blocks observed on beach.
1. SZ 6579 8759. Dimensions: 3.15 x 3.30m, with central circular plate of diameter 1.05m, inner diameter 58cm. An inner ring stands slightly pround and has 10 holes sunk into it. The concrete block displays various scars and protruding iron rods.
2. SZ 6580 8761. Dimensions: 3.05 x 3.10m. With central square iron plate held in place by 16 nuts and bolts. Circular central hole around which 20 holes are positioned.
3. SZ 6580 8765. Dimensions: 3.02 x 3.15m. Description as 2.
This is not the anti-aircraft battery which is shown on 1946 aerial photographs (PRN 3506).
Plotted using GPS
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, 26.2.1999 (coastal audit)]
By June 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were operational. Apart from Nettlestone and Whippingham, they were at Rew Street (Gurnard), Dame Anthony's Common (Binstead), Lynn Farm (south-west of Havenstreet), Porchfield, Hamstead, Thorley Street, Cliff End Battery and Brighstone. All at that time were equipped with 3.7 inch guns - four in most cases...- and a Bofors gun.
Other 3.7 inch sites are known to have existed at Forelands (Bembridge) and at St Catherine's Point.
[Searle, A. 1989. 'Isle of Wight at War 1939-1945', The Dovecote Press, p.104]
Investigations carried out by Oxford Archaeology prior to rock armour being deposited on the beach to protect the Bembridge Coast Hotel.
[Oxford Archaeology, November 2002. 'Second World War Defences, Bembridge Beach, Isle of Wight: Historic Building Analysis'. Warner Bembridge Coast Hotel. Issue no.1, OA job no. 1526.]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Bembridge, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3512
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service
EIW95 Bembridge Foreland (Ref: IWSMR 4891) Oxford Archaeology


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3772
Name: Blackgang Chine.
Map Sheet: SZ47NE
Grid Reference: SZ 487 766 (point) Google map
Summary: Anti-aircraft gun emplacement observed on the eroding coastal slope to the south east of the Crooked House
Description: Anti-aircraft gun emplacement observed on the eroding coastal slope to the south east of the Crooked House, in an unstable area fenced off from public access.
[Field visit R. Loader, 27.7.1999 (coastal audit)]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Chale, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3772
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Heritage Coast
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 6224
Name: Brighstone, Grange Farm
Map Sheet: SZ48SW
Grid Reference: SZ 41908 82250 (point) Google map
Summary: Heavy anti-aircraft battery
Description: By June 1943, when the Island's heavy AA sites were under the command of the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, ten sites were listed as operational. Apart from Nettlestone and Whippingham, they were at Rew Street (Gurnard), Dame Anthony's Common (Binstead), Lynn Farm (south-west of Havenstreet), Porchfield, Hamstead, Thorley Street, Cliff End Battery and Brighstone. All at that stage were equipped with 3.7 inch guns - four in most cases...- and a Bofors gun.
[Searle, A. 1989 .'Isle of Wight at War 1939-1945', The Dovecote Press, p.104.]
2 x 3.7 in (static), 2 x 3.7 in (moblie), GL Mk II radar. Earliest reference 22 Jun 1942. Latest reference 28 Mar 1944.
[Dobinson, C.S. 1996. 'Twentieth century fortifications in England. Anti-aircraft artillery site gazetteer, WWII HAA & ZAA', vol 1.3, p.461, CBA]
Digital images taken by Owen Cambridge during site visit in response to planning application to construct a barn on the site, 26 September 2007.
It seems that there were originally internal "shelters" on each wall. They consisted of a reinforced concrete roof supported on the main wall and on an individual internal wall and were open at the ends. Only the N and S shelters survive. Outside is an office with reinforced concrete roof, four walls, open doorway and window. All walls are constructed from concrete blocks, the outer ones being double skinned but I think the short inner walls of the shelters may be of single block construction. Measuring from Google Earth, the entire structure is about 40 or 45 feet square. West wall is mostly missing. Inside is a ? square? concrete pad set at 45 degrees to the main building. In its floor it has both large metal sockets and smaller metal bosses.
[Information and digital images provided by David Motkin in response to a planning application to construct a barn on the site, 11 October 2007]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Brighstone, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 6224
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Activities/Events




Isle of Wight Historic Environment Record


Anti Aircraft Batteries


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Contact organisation:Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service
Contact address:County Archaeological Centre 61 Clatterford Road
Isle of Wight
PO30 1NZ
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