This data is as produced from the HER database.

These little forts were hastily built from 1940 when a German invasion seemed imminent. There were standard designs, although they were sometimes built with minor variations.

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Isle of Wight History Centre

Isle of Wight Historic Environment Record

Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


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Record Index

Click on the ID to view full details for each record

ID Name
1350 Freshwater Causeway.
2422 Chilton.
2662 Blackbridge Road.
2740 Grange Chine
2806 Afton.
2807 Shanklin Chine
2808 Sandown.
2809 Bembridge
2810 St Helens Church. Pillbox
2811 St Helens Duver.
3222 Freshwater Marsh.
3225 Verwood Cottages, Forest Road.
3234 Ventnor Down.
3235 Yarbridge.
3236 Yarbridge.
3237 Hill Farm
3238 Yaverland.
3289 Sandown Bay Holiday Centre.
3459 Osborne Steps, Shanklin Esplanade
3513 Bembridge Forelands.
4317 Shide
4318 Bouldnor.
4319 Bouldnor.
4320 Fort Warden.
4321 Fort Warden.
4322 Fort Warden.
4323 Fort Warden.
4325 Cliff End,
4327 Culver Battery.
4328 Ventnor, St Boniface Down
4547 Rookley
4873 Shanklin
5607 Freshwater Bay.
5618 Freshwater Bay, beneath cliffs between Fort Redoubt and Albion Hotel.


Full Record Information

Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 1350
Name: Freshwater Causeway.
Map Sheet: SZ38NW
Grid Reference: SZ 3478 8717 (point) Google map
Summary: Hexagonal tye 22 pillbox; part of the Yar defence line
Description: Polygonal pillbox constructed with concrete, south east facing.
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994]
Polygonal concrete pillbox on south side of Freshwater Causeway. Photographed.
[Field visit F. Basford, R. Loader, 22.9.1999 (coastal audit)]
Situated at the western end of the Causeway, right hand side. This is an hexagonal type 22 pillbox. Bullet proof with all round apertures for defence. It covers the area of the marshes and affords protection for the nearly railway line (now extinct). It forms part of the Yar defence line and was built as with the others in the vicinity by the Royal Engineers attached 12th Infantry Brigade. It could at one time also be fitted with an AA gun on the roof.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]
UORN S0012109 Pillbox (type FW3/22) SZ 34787 87173
On south side of the Causeway road on north side of the mud and reed flats where the road crosses the River Yar, East of Freshwater.
Air photograph 03/09/1940
Hexagonal pillbox plotted from air photograph.
Field visit 23/06/1992
Hexagonal-shaped pillbox of a type 22 variant (concrete faced) with all round defensive fire. A small iron base on the top suggests that a fixture for a small AA gun was fitted.
Field visit 26/08/2003
Type 22 concrete faced pillbox commanding the broad crossing of the River Yar. Concrete interior anti-ricochet wall. Two small vertical embrasures either side of the doorway. A square embrasure in each of the other five faces. Faces SE. Public access, including interior. Some ivy overgrown.
Condition: good but with some ivy overgrown.
Part of Southern Command: River Yar Stopline.
Construction date 1940-1941.
Reference 225B/UK851/2 (frs 9-10) RAF aeria; photographs
[Foot, W. with Thomson, C. 2004. 'Defence areas: a national study of Second World War anti-invasion landscapes in England', Annex: Components of Defence area 73. CBA/English Heritage.]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Freshwater, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 1350
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 2422
Name: Chilton.
Map Sheet: SZ48SW
Grid Reference: SZ 4119 8225 (point) Google map
Summary: Pill box square type made of pre cast concrete panels and bolted together.
Description: Pill box square type made of pre cast concrete panels and bolted together. Faces west (see topic file in SMR for other island pillboxes). Photographs taken
[Wills, H. 'Pillboxes, a study of UK defences, 1940']
Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, K. Trott, 19.4.1996
Pillbox photographed.
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, 9.2.1999 (coastal audit)]
Situated in a field on the north side of the Military Road. This is a rare pillbox, the only one on the Island, being of a pre-fabricated type with ready made panels bolted together. This is a bullet proof box with all round defence for light machine gun and rifle. It is beginning to deteriorate due to salt water spray getting into the steel reinforcing. Must be saved somehow due to its unique type.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Brighstone, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 2422
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Heritage Coast

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 2662
Name: Blackbridge Road.
Map Sheet: SZ38NW
Grid Reference: SZ 3458 8632 (point) Google map
Summary: Concrete pillbox
Description: Polygonal pill-box constructed with concrete facing east.
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994.]
Pillbox survives at side of Blackbridge Road. Heavily overgrown with vegetation. An oil tank supported on concrete blocks abuts the pill-box on its northern side.
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, 11.8.1998 (coastal audit)]
Situated on the right hand side of the road by an entrance to a filed. A square shaped concrete pillbox with apertures for rifles, on all round defence. Bullet proof only. Part of the Yar defence line.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]
UORN S0012107 Pillbox SZ 35579 86321
On north side of Blackbridge Road, west of Black Bridge, at edge of Afton Marsh Nature Reserve, north of Freshwater Bay.
Field visit 26/08/2003
Very heavily overgrown concrete faced pillbox. It faces east with entrance on west side. Square embrasures. It is so overgrown its shape cannot be made out. A water tank raised on blocks has been set up against it. In private field. No access.
Field visit 23/06/1999
Square shaped concrete-faced pillbox. Field of fire E. The embrasures are large vertical rectangles. Internal blast/ricochet wall.
Condition: fair but overgrown.
[Foot, W. with Thomson, C. 2004. 'Defence areas: a national study of Second World War anti-invasion landscapes in England', Annex: Components of Defence area 73. CBA/English Heritage.]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Freshwater, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 2662
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 2740
Name: Grange Chine
Map Sheet: SZ48SW
Grid Reference: SZ 4218 8188 (point) Google map
Summary: WWII pillbox or observation post
Description: Observed from a distance due to inaccessibility. Situated to south west of the coastguard cottages. Overgrown with blackthorn.
[F. Basford, R. Loader, field visit 20.8.1998 (coastal audit)]
Subterranean multi-angled passageway 3ft wide, constructed of red brick with concrete floor and roof. Roof covered in turf and currently overgrown with blackthorn. Five embrasures and entrances at either end. The passage is higher at the view points to allow standing room. Possibly an observation post rather than a pillbox.
Position measured using GPS.
[Field visit F. Basford, R. Loader, 29.3.1999 (coastal audit)]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Brighstone, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 2740
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Heritage Coast
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 2806
Name: Afton.
Map Sheet: SZ38NW
Grid Reference: SZ 3441 8696 (point) Google map
Summary: Type 22 pillbox, now in the car park of Honour and Jeffery Garden Centre
Description: Polygonal pill-box, constructed with concrete, facing south
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994.]
Pillbox in car park of Honnor and Jeffery Garden Centre. Almost completely masked by pyracantha plants.
[Field visit F. Basford, R. Loader, 22.9.1999]
Situated in the car park of Afton Road Nurseries. This is an hexagonal type 22 pillbox, bullet proof and with 360 degree field of fire for light machine guns. Now covered with trellis and plants which will preserve it.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]
UORN S0012108 Pillbox (type FW3/22) SZ 34410 86963
On north side of Afton Road, in car park of Afton Garden Centre and the End of the Line Café, Freshwater.
Field visit 26/08/2003
Tye 22 concrete-faced pillbox, now surrounded by trellis work and covered with creeper. A weathervane is set on the roof. Square and 'vertical' embrasures. Faces S. Only a small portion of the exterior is not hidden by plant growth. Access, but not interior. The pillbox would undoubtably be revealed as in 'good' condition if the growth was removed.
Air photograph 03/09/1940
Hexagonal pillbox plotted from air photograph.
Map 01/06/1941
Pillbox plotted from German map
Field visit 03/07/1999
Hexagonal-shaped pillbox with all-round field of fire. In 1994 the nursery set the pillbox walls with trellis work and a flower bed at the base. The pillbox is consequently now 'overgrown'.
Field visit undated.
Hexagonal concrete pillbox. Field of fire S. Covered in creeper.
Condition: good, but covered in creeper.
Part of Southern Command: River Yar Stop Line.
Construction date 1940-1941.
References: 225B/UK 851/2 (frs 9/10) RAF aerial photographs.
Sheet (Blatt) 141 Befestigungskarte Grossbritannien 1:50000
[Foot, W. with Thomson, C. 2004. 'Defence areas: a national study of Second World War anti-invasion landscapes in England', Annex: Components of Defence area 73. CBA/English Heritage.]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Freshwater, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 2806
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 2807
Name: Shanklin Chine
Map Sheet: SZ58SE
Grid Reference: SZ 585 811 (point) Google map
Summary: Pill-box constructed into revetment on north side of Shanklin Chine. Built into one of several recesses, others of which contain seats, and beneath the steps from the road to the beach
Description: Rectangular pill-box constructed with concrete, facing south (steps from beach over)
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994.]
Pill-box constructed into revetment on north side of Shanklin Chine. Built into one of several recesses, others of which contain seats, and beneath the steps from the road to the beach. Immediately south of gents toilets.
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, 21.1.1999 (coastal audit)]
Situated below a flight of steps leading to beach. The pillbox is roughly 30 feet above the beach, built into the side of the cliff. It is unusual in that it has a very small entry being only 3' x 1'9". The remains of what could have been a weapon support under each aperture give cause that it contained medium machine guns to cover the beach below.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Shanklin, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Type/Grade Reference/Title
Conservation Area

Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 2807

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 2808
Name: Sandown.
Map Sheet: SZ68SW
Grid Reference: SZ 6094 8489 (point) Google map
Summary: Pillbox constructed on top of casemate of Sandown Fort (now Sandown Zoo)
Description: Rectangular pill-box constructed with concrete facing south-east (L/H Sandown Fort)
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994.]
Sandown Fort. "The partly demolished remains were adapted in WW2 with some brick structures built against the ruined casemates. A pillbox was added to the top of the casemated front".
[Saunders, A. 1998. 'Fortifications of Portsmouth and the Solent: a review of pre-20th century coastal defence sites and associated remains', p.133 and photo 2/47 A, English Heritage]
Concrete, rectangular pillbox observed on top of casemate.
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader 25.1.1999 (coastal audit)]
Situated on the rampart of the old fort, now the Zoo. There is no access either externally or internally. I have looked over the old fort but cannot get onto the rampart wall. This appears to be of concrete construction for use of heavy machine guns to cover the northern aspect of the beach defences.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Sandown, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 2808

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 2809
Name: Bembridge
Map Sheet: SZ68NE
Grid Reference: SZ 651 886 (point) Google map
Summary: Large rectangular pillbox, largely buried by shingle
Description: Rectangular pill-box constructed with concrete, north-west facing
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994.]
Pillbox, north facing, buried in shingle to top of embrasure. Sunken entrance on west side with 2 steps leading down and stepped wall of concrete sheeting c. 22cm wide on either side. Entrance at southern end, not central.
Pillbox measures 13 ft square. Embrasure is 1.94 metres long. Plotted using GPS.
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, 5.3.1999 (coastal audit)]
A large concrete pillbox measuring 12' 6" x 12' 6" x 6' high at the rear. There is one aperture on the north side and possibly another on the north east facing the sea. Because of a build up of shingle I cannot see how these are, the one I presume to be on the north side is completely hidden.
The entrance at the rear measuring 2' 6" x 1' 9". Entry is gained by three steps down into a trench. The doorway is partially blocked by shingle and is unsafe to enter.
The roof is of corrugated iron covered in earth. From the flash photograph I managed to take, there does not appear to be any timber support beams. If the roof corrugated iron slopes from rear to front then the aperture seen must be the sea facing wall which cannot be seen from outside.
Although a large pillbox it can only be bullet proof, because of the weakness of the roof. Because of the small entrance, it could only have been used by infantry weapons unless they installed a coastal defence gun before placing the roof on.
With the amount of shingle inside I think we will never be quite sure unless somebody would like o remove several tons of shingle. An interesting thought.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore, Defence of Britain Project local co-ordinator, 4.7.2001]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Bembridge, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 2809
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 2810
Name: St Helens Church. Pillbox
Map Sheet: SZ68NW
Grid Reference: SZ 6370 8947 (point) Google map
Summary: Square concrete pillbox constructed up against south wall of church
Description: Concrete pill-box disguised within the ruins of St Helens Church, facing south-east
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994.]
Concrete pillbox with bricked in entrance and embrasure.
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, 8.3.1999 (coastal audit)]
Situated against the south wall of the old church. It is a square concrete structure with one gun aperture to seaward, with the door to the rear. There appears to be no other weapon apertures so was constructed as a shell proof heavy machine gun pillbox to protect the harbour mouth.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish St. Helens, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 2810
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 2811
Name: St Helens Duver.
Map Sheet: SZ68NW
Grid Reference: SZ 6373 8931 (point) Google map
Summary: Pillbox incorporated into sea wall
Description: Pill-box of mixed construction, L/H sea wall
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994.]
Pill-box incorporated into sea wall, slightly to south of cafe
[Field visit, R. Loader, P. Simpson, 29.11.1998]
Pillbox constructed of concrete and stone. North east facing.
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, 8.3.1999 (coastal audit).]
Coastal defence pillbox abutting the sea wall on the beach. Because of extensive restructuring of the sea wall and the Duver behind, it is almost impossible to determine size or type. It appears to be a shell proof concrete pillbox, which probably housed a 3" coastal defence gun.
I have no further information on this pillbox. None of the local people I talked to could help me.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local co-ordinator), 4.7.2001]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish St. Helens, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 2811
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3222
Name: Freshwater Marsh.
Map Sheet: SZ38NW
Grid Reference: SZ 349 861 (point) Google map
Summary: Pillbox, now demolished
Description: Polygonal pill-box constructed with concrete
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994]
Location of pillbox not established.
Situated just off the Afton Road on the right hand side approximately 200 yards from Freshwater Bay. Part of the Yar defence line. Now demolished, only the base and steps leading to it remain. It is now somebody's garden.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]
UORN S0012106 Pillbox NGR SZ 3492 8610
Set back off the main Afton road leading to Freshwater Bay.
Field visit 26/08/2003
Field work shows no sign of this structure. Presumed now destroyed entirely.
Field vist 03/07/1999
Pillbox - demolished. Only the base and steps leading to it remain.
Field visit undated
Pillbox, the site of which has been reported but was not seen by the recorder.
Condition: destroyed
Part of Southern Command: River Yar stopline
Construction date 1940-1941
[Foot, W. with Thomson, C. 2004. 'Defence areas: a national study of Second World War anti-invasion landscapes in England', Annex: Components of Defence area 73. CBA/English Heritage.]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Freshwater, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3222
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Local Nature Reserve
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3225
Name: Verwood Cottages, Forest Road.
Map Sheet: SZ48NE
Grid Reference: SZ 4838 8987 (point) Google map
Summary: Type 22 pillbox
Description: Polygonal pill box constructed with concrete, west facing
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994]
Situated in the grounds of Forest View Nurseries, top right hand corner, adjacent the road. Now overgrown and hard to see. This is a type 22 pillbox, but three of the walls have been made using corrugated iron instead of the normal wood facing, giving the sides a grooved look. The rear and doorway are normal smooth walls. This is a bullet proof pillbox set up for three light machine guns for all round defence.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3225

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3234
Name: Ventnor Down.
Map Sheet: SZ57NE
Grid Reference: SZ 565 785 (point) Google map
Summary: Polygonal pillbox
Description: Polygonal pill-box constructed with mixed materials, north west facing
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Ventnor, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3234
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3235
Name: Yarbridge.
Map Sheet: SZ68NW
Grid Reference: SZ 6089 8632 (point) Google map
Summary: Type 23 pillbox
Description: Rectangular pill-box constructed with concrete, west facing
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994]
Pillbox extant in layby on north side of road.
[Field visit F. Basford, R. Loader, 26.1.1999 (coastal audit)]
Situated on the left side of Marshcombe Shute, one hundred yards past the Angler's Inn. It is a type 23 pillbox with apertures for rifle fire covering 180 degree field of fire from south, west to north. Built to contain either a mortar or a light AA weapon. I can see no evidence of a support so presume this had a mortar fitted.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Bembridge, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3235
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3236
Name: Yarbridge.
Map Sheet: SZ68NW
Grid Reference: SZ 612 862 (point) Google map
Summary: Rectangular pillbox, now demolished
Description: Rectangular pill-box constructed with concrete, west facing
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994]
This one was situated higher up the road [from PRN 3235] facing the Yaverland Road junction. Now demolished.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Bembridge, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3236
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3237
Name: Hill Farm
Map Sheet: SZ68NW
Grid Reference: SZ 6109 8865 (point) Google map
Description: Rectangular pill-box constructed with concrete, south west facing. (type 23)
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994]
Situated at the entrance to Hill Farm in a small patch of copse to the right of the drive. This is a type 23 pillbox. Bullet proof with all round defensive capability, it had either a six inch mortar or a light AA gun. I can find no fittings within the pillbox.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Bembridge, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3237

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3238
Name: Yaverland.
Map Sheet: SZ68NW
Grid Reference: SZ 613 853 (point) Google map
Summary: Documentary reference to pillbox
Description: Pill-box?
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994]
Site occupied by housing estate.
[Field visit F. Basford, R. Loader, 26.1.1999 (coastal audit)]


Location - Administrative Areas

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3238
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3289
Name: Sandown Bay Holiday Centre.
Map Sheet: SZ68NW
Grid Reference: SZ 617 853 (point) Google map
Summary: Demolished pill box
Description: Disguised pill-box constructed with concrete, south-east facing, destroyed? SZ 617 853
[Information from list provided by Henry Wills, May 1994]
Demolished. Very little remains, so no details available.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Sandown, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3289
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3459
Name: Osborne Steps, Shanklin Esplanade
Map Sheet: SZ58SE
Grid Reference: SZ 5856 8141 (point) Google map
Summary: Polygonal pillbox, constructed of concrete and red brick, facing east. Appears to have been incorporated into earlier steps from the top of the cliff to the Esplanade
Description: During examination of the pillbox at Shanklin Chine (PRN 2807) an elderly passer by informed us that there was another near the lift.
Polygonal pillbox, constructed of concrete and red brick, facing east. Appears to have been incorporated into earlier steps from the top of the cliff to the Esplanade.
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, 21.1.1999 (coastal audit)]
Situated level with the old steps, now disused and between the first and second level of the new steps. A very difficult pillbox to assess as although it appears to be intact the location is not without its dangers as far as close inspection.
It appears to be in two parts, whether they are connected internally cannot be ascertained. There appears to be an entrance on the north facing wall, and another to the rear of the south end of the box. It is rectangular in appearance, the southern end set back slightly from the north end. This makes me believe that it is in two parts. The northern end appears to have an entrance at the rear of it, now concreted in. There appears to be no weapon apertures in either the side or face walls, which are of brick and concrete construction. The southern end does have an opening about 1' x 1' about eight feet above ground level. It appears to be more observation than weapon. No other signs of apertures can be detected. I will return to this one in the near future but will possibly need some help to unravel this one.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Shanklin, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3459

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 3513
Name: Bembridge Forelands.
Map Sheet: SZ68NE
Grid Reference: SZ 6555 8728 (point) Google map
Summary: Pillbox, now incorporated into sea wall
Description: Square (3.87m x 3.87m), hollow concrete structure with an integral flat roof. A small aperture on the north side is flanked by a pair of parallel narrow walls which abut the main structure and also slope away from it. The structure is now situated behind a more recently constructed sea wall, part of a coastal protection scheme. As a result of this work the structure is now partially subterranean.
[Field visit, F. Basford, R. Loader, 26.2.1999 (coastal audit)]
Situated below the Crab and Lobster Inn on the sea wall. This pillbox was also built by W.J. Simonds, builder of Brading. Unfortunately this has been incorporated into the sea wall so it is impossible to tell which type or size.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Bembridge, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 3513
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW163 Isle of Wight Coastal Audit (Ref: IWSMR 6086) Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 4317
Name: Shide
Map Sheet: SZ58NW
Grid Reference: SZ 503 882 (point) Google map
Summary: Building not built as a pillbox but is a garden brick built shed, with one aperture for a machine gun. The inside of the shed has been reinforced with concrete on the aperture side only. Probably to protect Shide railway sidings
Description: Situated just off St George's Way in a builder's garden. This was not built as a pillbox but is a garden brick built shed, with one aperture for a machine gun. The inside of the shed has been reinforced with concrete on the aperture side only. It was probably for the protection of Shide railway sidings. The garden wall also has evidence of being loopholed for rifles. There is a rumour that the area was used as an headquarters for the Royal Fusiliers for a time, so they could have been responsible for the adaptation.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 4317

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 4318
Name: Bouldnor.
Map Sheet: SZ39SE
Grid Reference: SZ 3793 9006 (point) Google map
Summary: Rectangular shell proof anti tank pillbox
Description: Situated to the right of the road going from Forest Road to the Battery. This is a rectangular shell proof anti tank pillbox with a 90 degree field of fire facing south. Entrance to the rear. Possibly a six pounder anti tank gun plus light machine guns for close support, in all round field of fire.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Shalfleet, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Type/Grade Reference/Title
Scheduled Monument 22028 Bouldnor Battery

Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 4318
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Heritage Coast

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 4319
Name: Bouldnor.
Map Sheet: SZ39SE
Grid Reference: SZ 3789 9006 (point) Google map
Summary: Rectangular bullet proof brick built pillbox, now used as a shed
Description: Situated to the left of the road, behind the Bungalow. This is a rectangular bullet proof brick built pillbox, now used as a shed. It is double brick built with sand filled cavities. It has rifle apertures with south and west field of fire.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Shalfleet, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 4319
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Heritage Coast

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 4320
Name: Fort Warden.
Map Sheet: SZ38NW
Grid Reference: SZ 325 877 (point) Google map
Summary: Pillbox
Description: Warden Point also had a role in the searchlight experiments of 1889-92. This eventually required a new engine room on the north-east side of the battery and in 1911 a concrete wall, flanked by concrete blockhouses, provided protection from land attack on this extension of the original battery…
The two blockhouses are hexagonal with small externally splayed rifle loops. They have subsequently been heightened in coarse mass concrete.
Most interesting, however, are the concrete block houses of 1911, anticipating the more familiar pillboxes of both world wars. These are remarkable survivals which should be protected.
[Saunders, A. 1998. 'Fortifications of Portsmouth and the Solent: a review of pre-20th century coastal defence sites and associated remains'. English Heritage, p.107-108]
There are three more pillboxes outside the confines of the fort. One is an external building which has two loopholes cut into the side. The other two possibly later built, one at each end of the eastern fort wall. Both these have 180 degree arc of fire for rifle apertures. These may have been built in late 1941 when the camp became an Italian Prisoner of War Camp.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]
Hexagonal structure at SZ 3255 8775 and possibly another at SZ 3258 8771


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Totland, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 4320

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 4321
Name: Fort Warden.
Map Sheet: SZ38NW
Grid Reference: SZ 324 875 (point) Google map
Summary: Two pillboxes at the western end and just forward of the battery. Both within twenty feet of each other. The right hand one has collapsed
Description: Two pillboxes at the western end and just forward of the battery. Both within twenty feet of each other. The right hand one has collapsed, both are covered in vegetation so unable to ascertain type or size, but both must face seaward. The vegetation has been left because of repeated vandalism to the site.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Totland, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 4321
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 4322
Name: Fort Warden.
Map Sheet: SZ38NW
Grid Reference: SZ 3240 8750 (point) Google map
Summary: Two pillboxes at the western end and just forward of the battery. Both within twenty feet of each other. The right hand one has collapsed
Description: Two pillboxes at the western end and just forward of the battery. Both within twenty feet of each other. The right hand one has collapsed, both are covered in vegetation so unable to ascertain type or size, but both must face seaward. The vegetation has been left because of repeated vandalism to the site.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Totland, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 4322
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 4323
Name: Fort Warden.
Map Sheet: SZ38NW
Grid Reference: SZ 324 875 (point) Google map
Summary: Three more pillboxes are outside the confines of the fort. One is an external building which has two loopholes cut into the side
Description: There are three more pillboxes outside the confines of the fort. One is an external building which has two loopholes cut into the side.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Totland, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 4323
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 4325
Name: Cliff End,
Map Sheet: SZ38NW
Grid Reference: SZ 330 892 (point) Google map
Summary: Two storey structure comprising pillbox lower level and lookout above, on the eastern end of the rampart
Description: Situated on the eastern end of the rampart, it is a two storey pillbox lower level and a lookout above. Built of bullet proof concrete giving an all round field of fire.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Freshwater, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 4325

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 4327
Name: Culver Battery.
Map Sheet: SZ68NW
Grid Reference: SZ 636 856 (point) Google map
Summary: Originally two pillboxes, in front of the battery and slightly left, near the cliff edge. Only the remains of the bases exist now
Description: Originally two pillboxes on the site, in front of the battery and slightly left, near the cliff edge. Only the remains of the bases exist now, but they probably covered the north side of the cliff, Whitecliff Bay side.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]
May possibly be PRNs 3473, 3474 or 3478
NTSMR 125425
No trace found of these features in 2003
[Bannister, N.R. 2003. 'Bembridge and Culver Down, Isle of Wight: Archaeology and Historic Environment Survey, volume 1; report and inventory', p.72]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Bembridge, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 4327
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events

Event ID Name/Ref Organisation Description
EIW156 Bembridge and Culver Down Estate, National Trust (Ref: IWSMR 5595) National Trust


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 4328
Name: Ventnor, St Boniface Down
Map Sheet: SZ57NE
Grid Reference: SZ 565 785 (point) Google map
Summary: There were three pillboxes situated on the west side of the radar station, outside the present wire perimeter fence, roughly 20' off the roadway. Only the bases now remain.
Description: There were three pillboxes situated on the west side of the radar station, outside the present wire perimeter fence, roughly 20' off the roadway. Only the bases now remain. They would have had perfect 180 degree of fire, covering the only existing roadway on to the down. Seeing that the whole area was mined from 1940 onwards, this would be the only access to the area. The three observation huts on the southern aspect of the roadway covered the mined south side.
[Information provided by Mr Dave Moore (Defence of Britain Project local coordinator), 27.9.2000]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Ventnor, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 4328
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Site of Special Scientific Interest

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 4547
Name: Rookley
Map Sheet: SZ58SW
Grid Reference: SZ 5089 8349 (point) Google map
Description: Brick pillbox with flat concrete roof photographed by G.H. Powell at Rookley.
[Powell, G.H. n.d. 'Island Bygones, vol 2', unpubl. (IWSMR)]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Rookley, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 4547
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 4873
Name: Shanklin
Map Sheet: SZ58SE
Grid Reference: SZ 587 819 (point) Google map
Summary: Square concrete pillbox
Description: Defence of Britain Database: Anti-invasion record no. S0012127. Square concrete pillbox covering beach. SZ 587 819. Condition unknown. Recorder: Jeffrey Carson.
[Defence of Britain database, April 2002]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Shanklin, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 4873

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 5607
Name: Freshwater Bay.
Map Sheet: SZ38NW
Grid Reference: SZ 3462 8574 (point) Google map
Summary: WW2 pillbox
Description: UORN S0016666 Pillbox SZ 3460 8574
On Freshwater Bay seafront near Albion Hotel.
Field visit 26/08/2003
The pillbox site is that probably now occupied by a wishing well.
Air photograph 28/07/1940
Pillbox plotted from air photograph. It appears 'domed', perhaps part of its camouflage.
Map 01/06/1941
Pillbox plotted from German map.
Condition: Destroyed
Part of: Isle of Wight Coastal Defences
Construction date: 07/1940
SZ 3585/11 (fr.0049) RAF aerial photographs
225E/BR222 (fr.9) RAF aerial photographs
Sheet (Blatt 141) Befestigungskarte Grossbritannien 1:50,000
[Foot, W. with Thomson, C. 2004. 'Defence areas: a national study of Second World War anti-invasion landscapes in England', Annex: Components of Defence area 73. CBA/English Heritage.]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Freshwater, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 5607
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Heritage Coast

Associated Activities/Events


Record Details

ID (Preferred Ref.): 5618
Name: Freshwater Bay, beneath cliffs between Fort Redoubt and Albion Hotel.
Map Sheet: SZ38NW
Grid Reference: SZ 3455 8565 (point) Google map
Summary: WW2 pillbox plotted from aerial photograph
Description: UORN S0016714 Pillbox SZ3455 8565
Freshwater Bay, beneath cliffs between Fort Redoubt and Albion Hotel.
Air photograph 25/03/1949
Square loopholed structure on shoreline. Plotted from air photograph.
Condition: destroyed.
Part of: Isle of Wight coastal defences
Construction date: 1940-1941
[Z 3485/13 (fr. 0049) RAF aerial photographs]
[Foot, W. with Thomson, C. 2004. 'Defence areas: a national study of Second World War anti-invasion landscapes in England', Annex: Components of Defence area 73. CBA/English Heritage.]


Location - Administrative Areas

Civil Parish Freshwater, Isle of Wight

Monument/Component Types

Find Types


Other Statuses and References

Type/Grade Reference/Title
Sites & Monuments Record 5618
Heritage Coast

Associated Activities/Events




Isle of Wight Historic Environment Record




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Contact organisation:Isle of Wight County Archaeology and Historic Environment Service
Contact address:County Archaeological Centre 61 Clatterford Road
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PO30 1NZ
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Contact tel:01983 823810
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Contact email:archaeology@iow.gov.uk
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